วันพุธที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2562

Differences between Pleural Mesothelioma and Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is another form of malignant cancer that means mesothelioma. Lump, which is related to either mesothelial cells or organs especially the abdomen or liver area

Legal Litigation in Mesothelioma Cases

Mesothelioma is a serious cancer that is caused by the asbestos fibers and this type of cancer can undermine the life of people for a few months after the symptoms begin.
Recently people with mesothelioma cancer have increased considerably, and the legal prosecution in this matter has also increased considerably.

Because of the large amount of legal proceedings Legal firms and lawyers have expertise in this matter, thus causing mesothelioma cancer patients to receive help to sue for damages from being affected by this disease.

Must use Cincinnati Mesothelioma Attorney services
When you are diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer, you must use the services of a lawyer who specializes in this type of cancer to claim compensation. Cincinnati lawyers are people you will need to contact them.

Mesothelioma is caused by receiving asbestos

Mesothelioma is caused by receiving asbestos, which is increasingly being found, and may be a public health problem. 

Pleural cancer (Mesothelioma or Malignant mesothelioma) is a rare but life-threatening type of cancer that occurs in the pleura.

This type of cancer is often the result of prolonged inhalation of asbestos. Most patients with this disease usually receive asbestos from work, such as in a shipyard.

What is pleural cancer?
Mesothelium is the term for the epithelium that covers the organs and gaps of the body, protecting the organs and reducing injuries that occur during the movement. Apart from the lungs, this tissue can also be found at asbestos mine car garage or construction site.

Peritoneum is a membrane that covers the abdomen.
Pericardium is a membrane that covers the heart.

Tunica vaginalis testis is a membrane that covers the internal reproductive organs of males.

Tunica serosa uteri covers female internal reproductive organs.

Mesothelioma is a cancer that can occur with all mesothelium tissue, but is most often found in the pleura.

Pleural cancer: risk factors from asbestos
When inhaling asbestos into the lungs, it cannot be excreted., but will stay in the lungs. When receiving asbestos for a long time, it will begin to accumulate in the lower lungs. Before being surrounded inside the pleura over time, it can cause cancer especially when there are other motivating factors Genetic or smoking history.

Dr. Timothy Winton, Associate Professor of Surgery and Head of Thoracic Surgery, University of Alberta Hospital in Canada explained that "Asbestos causes irritation of the pleura, and cause inflammation. The response to inflammation and changes in the lungs and pleura can cause cancer to change.

One of the things that must be missed for this disease is the time before the disease occurs. It has been found that it may take nearly 50 years since the start of asbestos exposure to cancer. But when cancer often severe and can spread outside the pleura to other mesothelium tissues.

The average survival time of this disease is between 4-18 months and about 10% of patients can live more than 5 years after diagnosis. In some patients with slow-growing pleural cancer, may live up to 20 years, but rare.

Pleural cancer: importance in the public health system
Pleural cancer is a rare disease. By finding about 2,000-3000 new patients per year in the United States. However, in other countries, there is a growing number of patients with pleural cancer.

Dr. Winton said: "Asbestos has been used for a long time and the time between asbestos exposure and disease occurrence is quite long, causing the number of patients around the world to gradually steadily increasing until the next 20-30 years, as there are a large number of workers around the world who have received asbestos from working in industrial areas that must be closely monitored. "

If you think you have received asbestos, you should inform the doctor and check the body regularly. Because detection from the early stages is very important to the treatment as with other types of cancer.